Monday, March 19, 2012

Days 25-27: Broken and Beautiful

Have you found yourself thinking you weren't good enough for someone or someone wouldn't apperciate you for the person you because of your past?  The scars, wounds, and pain you have because of the hurt, abuse, or whatever you've experienced haunt you and make you want to runaway forever.  Constantly you may find yourself on the defense, pushing people away because you're so worried about what people might think or say.  Well, my dear friends it may have took seeing a song at Mass for me to realize what I have been wanting to say to you for the past several days.

The lyrics to the song, "How Beautiful," in the 3rd verse read "How Beautiful the radiant bride who waits for the groom with his light eyes. How beautiful when humble hearts give the fruit of pure lives so that other may live. How beautiful is the body of Christ." Singing those lyrics at Mass made me think about so many people in the world who are afraid because they are broken due to being hurt, abuse, and so much more but, yet they need to stop and realized that God has that beautiful groom waiting for them who doesn't care if they are broken. Women should stop thinking about man will take her because of her past and the scares. Just repent to the Lord and he'll forgive because you are broken, beautiful, and amazing!

So considering what I've just said, look in the mirror and see deep down inside of yourself the beautiful person you really are.  I find it so amazing that the Lord can see right to who you are.  I know that he's preparing the heart and soul of the perfect person for you to accept you, no questions asked, not worrying about your past.  Also, he is preparing a group of souls to help you and guide you along the way to help you make it on your journey of healing.  Never give up on yourself because you're beautiful!

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