Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 8: Be honest with yourself and being at peace!

Today I did something that was very out of the ordinary for me; I spoke out about something that I somewhat keep hidden and away so no one in the world could see that I am scorned for life. It wasn't easy, it wasn't something that should have been spoken this soon but, I guess God needed it to be spoken.  Thus, I believe it motivated me to see my thoughts for today's blog- being honest with yourself and being at peace.

Life is way to short to hold things in and to keep things so locked away that it'll eat you alive.  You should want to wake up each day ready to make a difference and let that light of yours shine!  You shouldn't be afraid to be honest with yourself and be afraid to put all your trust in the Lord.  When you're feeling alone and afraid, you should always put everything in the hands of the Lord.  He's always going to guide you and give you the courage and strenght you need to make it.

Even if your wounds feel like ghost following you around from your past, stop and let go.  Speak out and be honest with those who need to know.  There's no going back to the way things you to be.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and be able to rejoyce!!  Therefore, be honest and be at peace!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 7: Time to stand up, start partying, and speak the truth!

In life we think about how we should always just jump up for joy and dont forget to celebrate!  Everyday if worth living and having a party.  Everyday is worth taking a stand and speaking the truth.  No one should be afraid to not speak out against those who have harmed them or caused them pain.  You should be able to speak out and say you're taking a stand and not going to let them win the battle. 

Letting someone who's abused another person or someone who has hurt another person can cause fear but, I say it's time to overcome the odds and get up, and live.  Don't be afraid to say what happen and let the world know it's ok to say this happen but, I'm strong because I am a survivor.  Just because that person is living and walking around like nothing is wrong doesn't mean that you can't continue living without understanding. 

So I challenge you to try this, fight back to those who have caused you fear by speaking out and not being bitter or angry.  Stop living in a world of dark and gray.  Start living in the light and partying it up.  Prove to the world that just because you're heart is scared and has a wound, doesn't mean it isn't too late to start anew!! 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 6: Let your Heart be alive because bitterness is pretty ugly!

One of the hardest thing in life maintain the thoughts of being extremely bitter at someone because they have challenged you and pushed your buttons in so many ways that you're done.  However, when you least likely expect it, God puts his hands at work and intervines.  Thus, allowing you to have your eyes opened and your mind challenged, so to speak.

Sometimes we never expect to see a person, who has challenge our faith or ways of life to appear at Mass.  Yes, I was caught off guard and shocked, I soon realized that God was trying to do something that I could not control.  I needed to let him show me why this young man was here. 

As I sat, distracted, listening to the message being told by Father Francis on repenting and believing and going from darkness to light.  Later as the night progressed, even as into today, I thought about how this man knows my testimony too.  Everything that a part of me is ashamed of, what caused me to once live in darkness, I can be in light.  Crazy how here I am being bitter towards him, yet, the Lord's some how allowing him to accept me and my faith.  Therefore, all of this has really guided me to see, that instead of being bitter, we should allow our hearts to be open to encouraging love and acceptance.

We've been raise to see that it is better to love and to be alive.  Even if we have a difference with someone, we should reach out and love them even more, not turn them away.  Bitterness is pretty ugly and doesn't all your beautiful soul to shine.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 5: All the Unexpected to Occur!

I'm not for sure what to say or how to put this for day 5's blog.  All I could pretty much think about is what I was experiencing during Mass tonight.  Pretty much in life, we have to just stop and forget about the small things and realizes that the unexpected can occur and people can still surprise you.  Never in a million of years did I ever expected to see the face of a man who's been quick to challenge me about my faith amongst the crowd of my Church family. 

Therefore, my thought for day 5 is believe that the unexpected can occur.  Just when you think that someone is worth speaking your mind to, the Lord does his work.  Many times we think that we want to honestly speak our minds to someone but, the Lord knows better. 

Seeing this man in Church tonight, made my heart leap for joy.  I couldn't believe it.  I did sit up with the choir in a daze because it was like my prayers had been answered.  The Lord knew me telling this man off would be no good.  Also, the Lord knew this man not experiecing a Catholic Mass would cause him not to understand me. Needless to say, when in doubt, the Lord will allow the unexpected to occur!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 4: I'm girl who's still having her wounds and scares healing yet, I'm still working in a parts store who thinks positive!

People always tell me in the store, I'm always too happy and joyful, even at the break of dawn. However, I'm always responding to them about everyday is day to rejoyce and thank the Lord. Much of me wants to jump up and down and yell how I believe that just living helps stop the worry and makes me forget about the 1001 scares of life that's been bestowed upon me. The guys at the stores often want to know how I have so much natural energy and not let the littlest things in the world bother me. For the longest of time, I battled and battled with the thought of facing my demons and just letting them win but, it wasn't until I finally admitted to someone and said, "I've got enough scares and wounds that are trying to heal, you may not begin to understand the path I've traveled on however, I know the Lord's guiding me on the right path."

Many times these wounds and scares can hold their secrets and truths that often are to never be acknowledged or noticed by the general population. Maybe, these unnoticeable things go to the grave or cause greater fear than others could know. It's very hard for people to understand what goes on in the minds who hold on to these so private that it's such an embrassment, to hide it from the world, you have to turn it into something positive. Needless to say, even if there is this massive hole in my heart and these sins I hold, I am not afraid to say, I do have sacres and wounds that cause me to live in fear but, my love the Lord is far more stronger and greater that, I only want to dance and praise my Father.

Sadly in this world, We're so quick to judge each other, that we fail to really see who a person can really is or understand what path or journey a person has traveled. I guess you can say I am a girl who works at a parts store who knows how to use jumper cables and battery tester. Thus, I can only think positive.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 3 of Lent: Stop and Smell the Roses!

It seems everyday, we may often forget to stop and smell the roses. Often, we forget about what the time we spend with family means to us. I just have to suggest that in life we have to stop and enjoy the time with our family.  It is the little moments we with them that can bring a smile to our faces and can mean the world to us.

Even if it seems that we're finding it hard to stop and live, we have to make time for those we love.  I find it so awesome how words of encouraging or the time in catching up can make a world of difference.  That's what I believe how positive family can make on us.

I know this note is short but, I'm hoping you understand where I'm taking this note today!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 2: Celebrate Everyday!

It's the second day of Lent and all I could think about today was the theme I'm setting for this year's journey, living each day, celebrating everyday.  This doesn't mean that you have to celebrate with someone special or anything along the lines of that, it means you can live each day being alive.

When I thought about this slogan, yes I was inspired because of my trip from Disney, I thought about a converstation I had with a friend of mine prior to my departure.  I mentioned to this friend about being single and just enjoying life, doing what I do best, serving the Lord, enjoying my time with those I care about, and focusing my energy where it is best used, my sport and education.  Who knows, hopefully one day that would get me to law school. 

Coming back from Disney has encouraged me to want to share the motto, "Let the memories begin by celebrating everyday."  I only hope that everyone gets the energy to celebrate, jump up and down praising the Lord, and spending as much time with those you care about those most. 

So why not go out and spread a little love and cheer and let the positive energy ignite! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 1 of my Lenten Travels: God Gave Me You

A friend of mine suggested to me that I should take the time and create a blog about my world of thoughts.  As I was flying back from Disney World last night, I thought that this year for Lent, I would spend 40 days, writing nothing but positive and encouraging words. 

If anyone's heard the song, "God Gave Me You," many can interrupt it as leaning towards God giving someone their significant other, however I see it in a different sense.  After going through preparation for competiton and experiencing competition, from the first moment I heard that on my Launchcast player, I thought about all the amazing people God has blessed me with.  Thus, I soon realized about 5 weeks ago, the people who have been with me on my ups and downs, constantly supporting, and always cheering me on in their own ways. Nevertheless, giving me an understanding to relate to the song.

I am a firm believer that gives us people in our lives to teaches us so many things that we don't know or we might need clarification on.  Also, to help continue fill our life with humanly goodness and joy.  Even though I can have a strong spiritual life, it is so amazing to be able to share the good news and everything that is happening in my life with the "Angels" in my life.  Through the good times and bad times, it seems someone is always humanly there and I couldn't ask for more. 

No one may understand how a song can truly impact a person emotionally but, it does. I've been praying to God everyday how if it wouldn't of been for that song, I don't think I could have made it through the past months without it and understanding things.  A year ago, I was told I couldn't twirl or workout ever again but, look things now.  I'm so thankful for all of my rocks in my life, without you'd I'd be lost and unable to have achieved many of my dreams.

So I encourage you this Lenten season, find a song, scripture, or something movitational and share it with someone.  Remember, everything that happened during Jesus' 40 days, he was positive and encouraging.  He wasn't afraid to share his thoughts and words.