Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 11: Honesty and Intergrity!

The thoughts of today began with me thinking of a verse I recieved this morning talking about intergrity.  It made me begin to think about how important that we, as individuals, always so honesty and intergrity.  I believe that upholding these great morals and values show so much about a person.  It allows a person to let his or her light shine.  Honesty and intergrity means that it allows someone to be trusted and know that this person can be considered to be reliable and sensible.  I cannot stress how much that these 2 qualities are forgotten and people in society that these 2 values mean so much, that when we get lost in our own ways, things don't turn out pretty.

Now is the time to look back and reflect on our ways and make a change or strive to continue to be on fire with love, showing intergrity and honesty, constantly. It is so beautiful how a person can just glow and be so such a difference when these qualities are upheld.  Why not now.  Why not now let them be renewed and restored!  Let's all go out and rejoice!!

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