Saturday, March 30, 2013

Week 5 through Holy Saturday of Lent

As these last week of Lent comes to an end and Easter comes upon us, we get to see the amazing wonders of Christ our King rising from the Grave!  I can't believe how these past few weeks have been and what a journey it has been. I am so blessed that I have been able to share so many thoughts with y'all and have been able to see the changes, for the better, and the awesomeness of God as I've been traveling down my crazy broken road of life.

For those of you have heard, my Lenten sacrifice was trying to get a relationship with a male, develop a crush on a male, or fall for another man; just simply focus on my relationship with Christ.  Yes, when I first stated this to my those around me, people laughed at me and said I couldn't do this. My favorite line I received was, "Every season it's like you have a new crush, there's NO way you're going to make it through this!" HOWEVER, God surely has had his hand in this.

It has been hard being patient at times and steering away from my emotional feels.  It has been an emotional battle to follow the path of Christ and to be a Daughter who is opening my heart and trusting him with all my might.  Yes, there has been times when I wanted to just crack and break like an egg but, I knew in my heart God has had a plan for me and nothing is an accident.

So how do you suggest I have been able to stay on my feet through this process?

I have an amazing support system and believe my love for the Lord has shined like no other.  I have learned so much about myself and tried to regain focus.  As much as I've wanted to snap many times, I had to maintain my cool.  Often during the past 5 weeks, I have wanted to give up or bury myself in my work, I have learned to rely on my faith.  More importantly, even as people have walked out of my life, people have walked in, and new doors have opened.

I am not sure if this sounds nuts or not, I am anxious to see if I'll be able to keep promise while I continue my schooling, studies in the word, and my athletic career.  I've already had to decided what is more important to me.  Who knows what will happen next.

I wish all of you a Happy Easter!

Remember he has reason and he's paid it!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Weeks 3-4 of Lent: Do I Know You?

So I know I haven't written in over 2 weeks and a lot has been going on too! This is a time for reflection and change. Lent holds such a deeper meaning to me than so many people would ever imagine.  We are literally at the half way marker and then some!  I never thought I could have made it through my Lenten promise and focus on my goals and praying for change during this time of year. 

I've realized in these past 2 weeks as I consider this last week of Lent the idea I want to convey to the world in this blog is, Jesus and God know who we but, do we know who we are? Constantly we are told to stay convicted in our virtues, morals, and values yet, often in life, we find ourselves wearing masks or fading away in the sand.  Sometimes, we hide our true identity from the world or believe that our true selves should remained locked in a box. Mostly, through this process, we can find ourselves thinking, "Do we really know our friends and do they know us?"

I'm not sure if any of you have had to ask yourself that question or not but, I've found myself recently going through the thought process at time- "Do people really know who I am? I know who I am but, do they know who I?"  or "This may sound silly but, I don't feel I really know my friend."  Granted, there's been a few people that I've wanted to yell, "Sug I feel that I don't know who you are after all this time!!"  Yet because I've been raised a lady and I respect people, I don't like that.  Am I crazy?

In all relationships in life, the trust should be there as well as the truth.  You should always be able to look at someone and be able to know who they are; know who you are.  Maybe I am saying to much here but, I am standing on the ground of conviction.

Now if you feel you need to change for the better, than by all means, alright!  Let's take off that ugly makes, peel off the layers, unlock the box, or open up the book.  However, let there be no lies or deception.  Don't let anyone be fooled or become stone cold.  Let the heart become soft and full of light and love.

Just know it's never to late to make right and to discover who you.  Always know, to thy oneself be true!

So I challenge you readers as we enter in this last week of Lent, are you going to open the box, take off your make, heal the wounds, and fix the brokeness, by being true and know?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 20 of Lent: Strangers

Today's blog for Lent came for a unique inspiration.

Last night in Father Francis' homily, he spoke of strangers coming into our life and eventually have some meaning into our life.  Eventually, those who use to be in our life, become strangers.  At first I didn't understand what my brother in Christ was trying to explain but, today as I sat at dinner it started to make sense to me. It's funny how I started to sit and think, where the girls I was sitting with strangers or a part of my life?

For can go through our life meeting people and they become strangers. We can go walking down the sidewalks, into stores, getting gas at the gas station, at theme park, and so many other places and just only slightly meeting a person with a look in the eyes.  Neither party can have the idea of becoming friends of having meaning in either's life.

Also you know someone all your life.  They are not a stranger. You feel like you can tell them your deepest secrets and you can build a bond with someone.  However, as time progresses you discover that a person can slowly slip away and become a stranger thus, the relationship's meaning begins to fade.

As for you and the stranger, when the time is right, have a relationship of some sort starting to develop.  The two of you begin to no longer become strangers and begin to actually mean something to each other.  Eventually God will show you two what his plan for the two of you.

I think it's funny how we walk around this world, knowing each other for most of our lives and it seems like we know each other but, in reality we don't.  We have to open our eyes and see that strangers come into our lives for a reason and sometimes people have to be removed from our lives.

I know none of this may make no sense but, just think of when the burning bush was talking to Moses.  That didn't make sense either. However, just be patient and understand God has your back.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Days 17-19: Fix the brokenness

So I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I should be writing about for the past several days.  Hence why you haven't heard from me in a few days.  I thought about what Father Francis spoke about yesterday and healing broken relationships and forgiveness is possible.  A part of me thought he was insane, given what I've been through over the past several weeks.  However, I knew nothing was an accident.

It hit me today at work when an unexpected customer walked into the Zone.  Truthfully, I never expected to speak to this customer again nor this customer to ever talk to me.  Yet, for some odd reason, God had other plans at hand.  By the end of working with this customer and speaking the customer, I knew God had something big planned and nothing was an accident. Maybe this was a part of God's plan and healing was possible, therefore it gave me the perfect ground laying for this blog.

I don't know where I am going or what's going to happen but, I do know one thing is for certain, forgiveness is possible and relationships can be healed. This is the time to work on any brokenness that needs to be fixing and rid the anger there is between those who have been hurt.  If we continue going on hurting each other, blaming each other, and so much more things will just continue to be one huge mess.  Why must you hold on to that aggravation for this long?

The world may try to say things.  It may try to put images in our heads or convinces to think others wise.  This is why it is more important to put our faith in the Lord and let him guide us.

Even if relationships aren't meant to last a lifetime, understand that God puts people in our lives to teach us something or help us on our way.