Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 12: Be Unpedictable and Obedient!

Today's blog is about something that I'm generating from a movie and from a Homily.  I think that sometimes in life we have to do the unpreditable because life's too short and we have to be obdient to the Lord.  If we contanstly follow the same path in life and do the same routine, everyone is going to be able to pick up on what we are going to do and well we'll pretty much be predictable. How is that exciting? How is that be obident? Think about it.

Each day, the Lord is going to ask something different of us and need us to do something different for him thus, we can't be predictable to the normal world.  Every move can't be predictable.  How are we living and going to the well if we're just standing still and doing the same?

Here's my challenge to you today, and everyday, try do something that NO one expects you to do.  Try serving and being obdient while living!!  Try just going with the wind and listening to where God's calling you to go.  You'll be surprise where and what will happen.

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