Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Being at Peace with the King

Tonight looking at the moon
She was finally able to have the courage and strenght
To allow herself to face reality and generate the words
She'd been longing to say to the King for so long
Words that may appear to be soothing 
But more so the truth straight from her heart

She could never believe
In a thousand years
She'd find herself staring at the man
Who caused her to tape her heart back together
Who drove her nuts
Yet at the same time
Someone who she prayed would be in her life
For as long as God would allow him to be

Gazing into those light eyes
In the room bleak as could be
She was a little in disbelief
However, knew this was a part of God's plan
This meeting was unexpected
But all she could do was forget
Forget about the pain he caused her

All she wanted to do
Was tell him that
She wasn't angry with him
She didn't want him to be harmed
She did want him to feel her pain
To the extent that his heart
Could be turned
Turned from being cold as ice
To warm as the bright Texas sun

Finally this was her chance
Her chance to be open with him
To give her demands
To ultimately give her just satisfaction
A part of her wanted to hold it in
But she knew the only way to let him know
Exactly what her heart had been saying

Before she knew it
Holding his attention
She felt someone had taken the key
Placed it in the box
Only opening it up to the allow the escape of the truth
This was unexpected
Yet a blessing

Observing his body language
Seeing how his smile brought life to the room
Made her realize
The man who she once knew
Actually could possibly still exist
Not the King he had appeared to be

This was her big moment
Unashamed and unafraid
She finally could tell her truest feelings
No holding back
She told him what broke her heart
How she felt because of him
What it had been like putting her life back together

Yes, she did admit to falling for him
Though she understood
He had a purpose for being in her life
He opened her eyes
Turning her pale blues
To bright blues full of stars

Nevertheless it all made sense
She had just been able to tell him
She could forgive him but, not forget him
She held no regrets of their friendship
No regrets of time spent together
How he changed her life

There he sat
Still and motionless in his chair 
Gazing her in the eyes
Seeing her emotions and feelings
Be come reality
All while holding her explanation

She was at peace with herself
No longer feeling like the pauper
The society had dictated
Finally the King no longer appeared
To be a man of invinsibility in her life
Finally she was free of him
Able to let it go
Having a sound mind and healed heart

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