Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wanting to Escape to Neverland: A J Ko mini-story

It seemed he rode into town
On his steel ton horse
Appearing to the crowds
Expecting to be cheered on
By all that are gathered across the land

As he came into town
Everyone makes way for him
Regardless if he appears
To be absorbing the limelight
Treating people one way in public
Yet privately mocking them
Showing no signs of gratitude
Just letting arrogance get in the way

She couldn't bare to be a witness to this
It took for such a long time
His treatment of people that is
She wanted to stand up to him
Yelling at him his ways
Truly needed to change
And he needed to take a look in the mirror

What happened to the man
Whom she was honored to know
Excited to be associated with
Live in the same land as him
The man whom she defended
Without a blink
Just trusting her faith

Now she just sees
A man who is riding on a steel horse
Who is secretly letting his pinchers come out
A man who knows how to show
His cold, ruthless, and no emotional side
A man who appeared to have nothing but a stone cold heart

She knew he once was wrapped in caution tape
He had a big flashing warning sign
She had been warn the man wasn't what he appeared
He may had appeared to be a man of worth and service
But deep down she knew the truth

Somehow on her path to self discovery
She was able to past the mask he once wore
And see that he was just man
Wearing a people pleaser mask
That underneath it all
He wasn't nothing but
A man who was lost in his own world
A man who could appear to be someone
The world would be proud to know
Call a hero

Still some how that man had disappeared
Over the past months of knowing him and observing him
She felt that man she once cared about
Had just been an act
And should have known he was trouble from the start
She wish she could go back and change things
But damage had already done

She just wanted to fly off to Neverland
A land where he had no domain
Where he couldn't play people for a fool
Nor read too much into their gestures
Assuming something was more than what it
Really was deep down

No Neverland would be the place
Where people were free of judgement
Treated equally no matter what
There was no ruler but God
No one to tell people what they should feel or think
No one to question their emotions or others

The first moment she could escape
The same land as this so called man
She would take a one way ticket to Neverland
She wouldn't have to fear the man and his entourage
No more ungratefulness occurring
No more  having to see
Others not having confidence
Or filled with insecurities

So til then
She would just pray he'd get a reality check
He'd come to his senses
Grow up a little
And maybe,
Just maybe see there were people who cared about him
For the man he could be and once was
Yet, this all seemed highly doubtful

Eventually though
She'd be able to escape the King
And freely soar in Neverland
Forgetting the he ever existed
Or waltzed into her life

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