Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'm in a committed relationship with my Faith, Research, & Sport!

If there is such a thing as normal, I'd like to know. For, me, I don't believe there will ever be normal. My life has never been normal but, for once, I am 110% positive that God's in control and it appears I have my priorities all lined up. I don't recall the last time I've been seriously committed to my priorities as I am now. As I glance back to where I was 12 months ago, I feel I didn't even know who I was. It seemed I still was recovering from the wreck of 2010. I think I still was wanting to escape Corpus and say I'm a graduate student, I can make it, and I've got this. Needless to say, almost a month ago, reality set in. God truly sent a few unexpected, yet curveball of blessings in my life. For the first time I can truly say I'm seriously in a committed relationship with something.First and foremost, every single day, my relationship with Christ and God is getting stronger. As much as I hate not being in control, I know God is in control. He's finally showing me it is ok to let go and to not have fear. He's my quarterback and I'm his receiver. He's my pilot and I'm his passenger. He's the one who's guiding me on this crazy broken road of a journey. I'm just going with it. I'm giving him the glory every day! Also, there isn't a day that goes by, that I don't spend at least 1 hour with the beloved Walker Library of Howard Payne University. In some odd way, we've developed a unique bond. It's like he knows what my job is and what I need to get done. He provides me with all the tools I need to make sure I'm staying on track and my research is getting completed for the 3 classes I'm taking. I'm holding myself accountable for my actions and not slipping away this time! As for twirling, even if it's just only 30 minutes a day, I find myself getting up earlier enough, here lately before 6 AM, to go practice. Going over the new material as well as basic technique. Even though there really isn't a football season I'm focusing on, that doesn't mean there isn't my health and competition season! I know I want to compete at nationals in Nov. and NCABT (possibly). The oddest thing is, every day I'm waking up with a smile on my face, feeling butterflies, and different than ever before! This change, which I'm sure God has seen coming long before I could, has been long overdue I suppose! Nevertheless, I know I'm 110% committed to his plan and the relationships that I've developed with my faith and my work. Even if he throws the ball around here and there, I know I'm ready and not afraid to be myself and see where he's sending it!! Hopefully the world around me will just understand what it means when I say "At least I know it's a committed releationship"

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