Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 2: Celebrate Everyday!

It's the second day of Lent and all I could think about today was the theme I'm setting for this year's journey, living each day, celebrating everyday.  This doesn't mean that you have to celebrate with someone special or anything along the lines of that, it means you can live each day being alive.

When I thought about this slogan, yes I was inspired because of my trip from Disney, I thought about a converstation I had with a friend of mine prior to my departure.  I mentioned to this friend about being single and just enjoying life, doing what I do best, serving the Lord, enjoying my time with those I care about, and focusing my energy where it is best used, my sport and education.  Who knows, hopefully one day that would get me to law school. 

Coming back from Disney has encouraged me to want to share the motto, "Let the memories begin by celebrating everyday."  I only hope that everyone gets the energy to celebrate, jump up and down praising the Lord, and spending as much time with those you care about those most. 

So why not go out and spread a little love and cheer and let the positive energy ignite! 

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