Monday, March 25, 2013

Weeks 3-4 of Lent: Do I Know You?

So I know I haven't written in over 2 weeks and a lot has been going on too! This is a time for reflection and change. Lent holds such a deeper meaning to me than so many people would ever imagine.  We are literally at the half way marker and then some!  I never thought I could have made it through my Lenten promise and focus on my goals and praying for change during this time of year. 

I've realized in these past 2 weeks as I consider this last week of Lent the idea I want to convey to the world in this blog is, Jesus and God know who we but, do we know who we are? Constantly we are told to stay convicted in our virtues, morals, and values yet, often in life, we find ourselves wearing masks or fading away in the sand.  Sometimes, we hide our true identity from the world or believe that our true selves should remained locked in a box. Mostly, through this process, we can find ourselves thinking, "Do we really know our friends and do they know us?"

I'm not sure if any of you have had to ask yourself that question or not but, I've found myself recently going through the thought process at time- "Do people really know who I am? I know who I am but, do they know who I?"  or "This may sound silly but, I don't feel I really know my friend."  Granted, there's been a few people that I've wanted to yell, "Sug I feel that I don't know who you are after all this time!!"  Yet because I've been raised a lady and I respect people, I don't like that.  Am I crazy?

In all relationships in life, the trust should be there as well as the truth.  You should always be able to look at someone and be able to know who they are; know who you are.  Maybe I am saying to much here but, I am standing on the ground of conviction.

Now if you feel you need to change for the better, than by all means, alright!  Let's take off that ugly makes, peel off the layers, unlock the box, or open up the book.  However, let there be no lies or deception.  Don't let anyone be fooled or become stone cold.  Let the heart become soft and full of light and love.

Just know it's never to late to make right and to discover who you.  Always know, to thy oneself be true!

So I challenge you readers as we enter in this last week of Lent, are you going to open the box, take off your make, heal the wounds, and fix the brokeness, by being true and know?

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