Friday, November 22, 2013

Fairytale: The princess went to the "ball"

There once was a princess living in a world of modernity. On a very warm autumn day she had been invited to attend the ball. For years she longed to be a part of the crowd but, a part of her only wanted to blend in. Still days and weeks before her invitation,  she would tell folks it would be a cold one before she did.

The day of the ball came and her emotions were mixed. She knew her Father had something planned yet she wasn't for sure.
Still she got dressed in the appropriate colors,  got all dolled up and felt so natural.

Upon her arrival,  people were very surprised she was there.  However she was able to blend in and enjoy the festivities. Overall,  embracing the moments being presented.

At the end of the ball,  she found herself being dragged down to the greet the Knights by one of youngest royals in the crowd. This took her by surprise.
Leaving her without words and following the Knight in training.

The next moments seemed still like the sands in an hour glass. A silent film was being displayed. Only God's work at hand.

When time had elasped and the film had ended,  the princess saw the little future knight run off , and she captured the moment. She left the grounds of the ball , remembering the day,  thanking her father and smiling. Yet heart of hearts she could only hold the

She understood in life, it is all about timing. Not her time. Her father's time.

She experienced not romanticism of a fairy tale but the beautiful and blessing of it. One day,  when it's time,  a knight will become her prince,  who like her,  is imperfect and driven. Yet,  from the moment at the ball she was able to grow up and see the blessings of knowing who you are and living for you.

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