Sunday, April 14, 2013

I'm taking off my superhero cape and mask!

So the past couple weeks have been a mad house around here!  I don't even know where to begin but, it's been one full of adventures and blessings!  However, there's one things that I've realized is it's about time for the mask and cape to come off.

For so long I've been living a life with the idea that I'm suppose to be the girl who is saving the world some how.  Everyone comes to me and asks me to help save them. I don't have a problem with it yet, at times, I don't feel I can fully help them because I'm not equipped with the knowledge and skills to help them properly.

Then let's consider my life.  There are just a few things in my life I'm yet to experience.  Sometimes I don't believe I'm able to help fully because all I know is what I've studied, what I've seen, and what I've read.  Often, that isn't enough.

I'm done lying to the world that I'm this superhuman of a 24, going on 25 that has human desires who wishes she could experience things in life like other girls my age!  I know everyone things I'm a perfect example and someone that's so perfect to look up to at times however; I'm still human at times too!! I'm not perfect!

I use to joke for the longest time, I was going to be the one of my friends who was "25 and Never Been Kissed." Folks, well it's safe to say that's going to be me.  A part of me is just going to have to accept it and it that maybe God's doesn't have a plan for me to have that experience yet.

Yes, I still believe in fairytales!  I do believe in Prince Charming!  I do believe in happily ever after!!

Please DON'T judge me!! Get to know my  heart!! Just know something, please don't lie to me or don't let me be the last to know!!

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