In life we think about how we should always just jump up for joy and dont forget to celebrate! Everyday if worth living and having a party. Everyday is worth taking a stand and speaking the truth. No one should be afraid to not speak out against those who have harmed them or caused them pain. You should be able to speak out and say you're taking a stand and not going to let them win the battle.
Letting someone who's abused another person or someone who has hurt another person can cause fear but, I say it's time to overcome the odds and get up, and live. Don't be afraid to say what happen and let the world know it's ok to say this happen but, I'm strong because I am a survivor. Just because that person is living and walking around like nothing is wrong doesn't mean that you can't continue living without understanding.
So I challenge you to try this, fight back to those who have caused you fear by speaking out and not being bitter or angry. Stop living in a world of dark and gray. Start living in the light and partying it up. Prove to the world that just because you're heart is scared and has a wound, doesn't mean it isn't too late to start anew!!
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